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Research Status and Prospects of Spray Wet Evaporative Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
徐 瑞朱宏雷邹建东杨春天张向南赵 昕
(甘肃蓝科石化高新装备股份有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730070)
XU RuiZHU Hong-leiZOU Jian-dongYANG Chun-tianZHANG Xiang-nanZHAO Xin
(Lanpec Technologies Limited, Lanzhou 730070, China )
air cooled heat exchanger spray wet type liquid film flow distribution evaporative heat transfer
The cooling system is a vital component in numerous industrial sectors, including petrochemicals, power generation, and heating. The consumption of water resources is considerable with water cooling, it’s economic efficiency is low. Dry air cooling has a considerable volume and is significantly influenced by ambient temperature. The spray wet evaporation cooling system is a promising technology that combines the advantages of dry and water cooling. This paper presents a summary of the research topics and findings related to the mechanisms of spray wet evaporation cooling, with a focus on the distribution of liquid film flows and evaporation heat transfer. Furthermore, it provides an overview of the current research status in four areas that are closely related to the optimisation of the performance of spray wet evaporation cooling towers. Specifically, it considers heat transfer elements, structural improvements, water saving, and drift and corrosion resistance. It provides an overview of future research methods, research directions, and other prospects.


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收稿日期: 2024-08-09
作者简介:徐 瑞(1997-),男,陕西商洛人,硕士,从事换热设备设计与技术研发工作。
更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-01